Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Not an easy decision to determine who to vote for

Looking at the statistician's viewpoint of municipal elections

By Mark Schadenberg
Sports fans love their statistics such as greens in regulation in golf, batting average in baseball, and goalie save percentage in hockey.
In terms of election tabulations, statistics are also very important. It's more than counting jelly beans in a jar.
In 2014, the 4th place finisher in the City (only) Council race finished just 18 votes apart from 5th. Todd Poetter was a narrow victor in the win-place-show-fourth race by just .06%.
Your vote does count.
Therefore, when I talk about the numbers for the 2018 election and considering there are 7 candidates vying for 4 positions, stats or strategic voting would depict a picture saying that a voter should only vote for the people they truly want elected. In other words, after your research, head scratching and soul searching is over you may have narrowed down your list to 3 candidates then your best option (only option truly) is to vote only for your top 3.
Further to this, if you truly want just 1 specific person to finish in the top 4, then just vote for that 1 name.
Since you can not vote as if it's a rated or weighted system, then your first choice selection and your fourth choice are truly weighted identically -- as 1 vote apiece. In actual fact the top voter receiver in 2014 in the City Council tabulation had just 12.12%, while 6th place was at 9.72%. You can see the numbers are quite close.
There were just 8,817 ballots cast. The overall turnout should be much higher than about 35%, but that seems to be the on-going trend.
I and other candidates have been stressing along the door knocking and chatting to eligible voters that we all want people to vote. It's a privilege.
In 2014, the winning Mayor (Trevor Birtch) -- in a 3-person battle -- had just over 40% of the vote, while the next 2 were at 33.79 and 26.14.
Your vote counts.
In the City / County the top 2 (Deb Tait and Sandra Talbot) in 2014 had a significant advantage over the other 4 contestants.
My perspective is this. Vote only for the people you truly want to represent you in local government, so that could be just 1 for City Council, or 2, or 3 and certainly 4. Don't feel as if you haven't done your homework if you select only 3 (for example) of the 7 vying for a seat. In other words, don't assist someone else in winning if you really were not convinced you should support them.
I believe my record of community volunteering, especially the recreation advisory committee, has placed myself in a position where I am a strong candidate. My 19+ years as a Realtor has placed my focus on subdivisions, zonings, boundary adjustment and building codes. I have always had a keen eye for current events on the local stage. Please read other posts in this site to see my background including the 52 reasons to vote for Mark which I posted on my 52nd birthday.
Be sure to vote!
Vote for Mark Schadenberg because for me 'The Time is Now'
Myself in 2014 with Royal LePage corporate president Phil Soper.

A vintage Sentinel-Review newsroom staff photo

Representing the Lions Club of Woodstock 
as I stand at the Salvation Army kettle.

Co-chair of Canadian Cancer Society's Relay For Life
()  ()  ()  ()  ()  ()  ()  ()  ()  ()


Saturday, 13 October 2018

Looking forward to Southgate expansion

It was 12 months ago that Southgate hosted its initial open house to show off their original building plans

My blog posts do represent my thoughts and feelings on everything that is Woodstock.
Last October, for example, I wrote about the plans of the Southgate Centre to have an aggressive and progressive expansion - prepare for the future and sprint to the horizon. It was an exciting proposal, but a little larger and more grand then what could logically be envisioned. I include here a link to my writings of 12 months ago, along with my current thoughts - a little more tempered also now that I'm running for City Council and I'm analyzing both the cents and the sense.
The other major shift is that the city now has full possession of the Cowan Park indoor soccer complex on Vansittart north (Ridgewood Road)
I truly believe the best consumer -- cars for example - is an educated consumer. The best voter is an educated voter. I'm sure after you read some of my current and past writings you will see that your ballot on Oct 22 deserves to include Mark Schadenberg.

Meanwhile, here's my current response to the folks at Southgate when asked by them for a viewpoint as they did for all City Council candidates.

The Woodstock City Council meeting of Sept. 20 represented an important hurdle for a hopeful expansion at Southgate Centre in Woodstock. A motion was passed for City Hall to spend $10,000 to explore a revised plan for a future addition of the facility at the entrance to Southside Park.
As a candidate for City Council I was excited by this proposal presented by Dave Hilderley as a delegation to Council. Southgate Centre has been a tremendous success story in the past 10 - 15 years, and because of this and with our aging demographic the building certainly requires an addition and the demand definitely exists.
All municipal building plans require a feasibility study of some degree, especially those which at some point will be applying for government grants before a shovel hits the ground for a sod turning ceremony. Many past studies have been written for all age brackets and interests, including a trails master plan and recreation needs plan for the City. As a long-time member of the recreation advisory committee (WRAC meets at Southgate as does the Lions Club which I am a member.) we have included many discussions on our agenda about Southgate, Cowan Park indoor soccer facility, Southside Park, Cowan Fields ball diamonds, Lions Pool, all playgrounds, and other current municipal facilities. 
City Council in the next 4 years -- I believe -- will certainly be proceeding with an addition to the current Old Wellington Street South location.
At the same time I think about a lot of associated questions. I'm not discouraging anyone just setting out some discussion points. 
How much more of an annual membership fee will current members be able to pay for an improved and enlarged facility?
How much of a contribution will Woodstock be able to receive from the neighbouring townships as members to Southgate certainly arrive from outside the current city boundaries. Should these township members pay an additional / modified fee as they would at the Woodstock library?
How would a new-look Southgate effect other facilities already in Woodstock such as the Cowan Park soccer indoor facility which also requires an upgrade to its gym (Reeves Community hall) to a hardwood multi-use floor. Could there be 'free' membership to the walking track at Cowan to all Southgate members? I realize that a  membership fee to Southgate already includes many privileges. 
Southgate has an on-going shared relationship with the Woodstock Badminton Club, which is a terrific sports venue. If Southgate built a full gymnasium would its members no longer visit the badminton club for either badminton or pickleball?
My guess would be that all the activities Southgate currently offers are simply 'bursting at the seams' and each area needs more 'elbow room' desperately -- the wood working shop, banquet room for all functions (card tournaments, exercise sessions, etc.), the meeting rooms, etc. 
Will this addition begin as early as 2020? Likely not as Southgate must also complete an aggressive fundraising program and do their mathematical calculations about carrying a mortgage forward . . . or would their request be for the City to debenture much of the construction over the next 15 years or so.
Congratulations to Southgate on its current successes and I look forward to watching the seeds planted at City Council on Sept. 20 to grow and grow and grow (Local Roots - just like their eatery in Southside Park), and evolve from the original building plan which seemed to be wishful-thinking over-the-top and unattainable. Since we now have more citizens over the age of 65 then under 14, Southgate must expand, but should its mandate change into a combined older adults and at the same time a youth centre? 
Should Southgate not first plan on expanding its own hours as I have heard on my door knocking that the facility should be open for more hours and most certainly more weekend hours. I drove by the facility this morning (Saturday) at 9:45 and the parking lot was empty. I could see from a window that the large hall was set up for a wedding or another formal function, but the wood shop could be in use on a Saturday morn.
An abundance to consider . . . so much excitement for the future. At the end of the day, I'm 100% in favour of an addition at Southgate, but the process involves more than bricks and mortar, but also a game plan about its futures uses and even more growth in membership numbers.   

October of 2017



Thursday, 4 October 2018

Always a lot happening in Woodstock

Comedy, Book Sales, Formal Dinners, Running To Raise Money and . . .
In my blog I often write about local events. Feel free to scroll back over the recent months and years.
Here are a few places -- dates and times -- that might be of interest to you.
The most important date coming up though is the municipal election on Oct. 22. "Now Is The Time" to vote for Mark Schadenberg for City Council.
By the way, the Lions Club of Woodstock is volunteering again this year at the CASS Comedy Night.


Sunday, 30 September 2018

Full speech was never said; couldn't be said

Learn more about why you should vote for Mark Schadenberg

I  have quickly realized it's impossible to write a 3-minute introduction speech for a municipal election debate as it's simply not enough time to talk about your resume and point out a few issues.
Here -- therefore -- is my compiled speech for the debate held last week at UNIFOR Hall. I think I managed to get about half my opinions / ideas in. I want you to read it to learn more about me as I certainly won't receive this much space in The Sentinel-Review either and it's integral that voters learn about the candidates.



The Time Is Now to elect Mark Schadenberg to Woodstock City Council.

In recent years I feel I’ve accumulated quite a resume of community volunteering and have gained the expertise needed for a seat on City Council.

The Time Is Now!

My city involvements truly begins and also ends with the Recreation Advisory Committee with a lot of accomplishments and many agenda items.
I’ve been a member of this volunteer committee for 18 years, including the last 5 as chair. Our committee coordinates the inductees for the sports wall of fame and the annual Rec and Leisure Fair in early March.
Our topics of discussion range from playgrounds and trails to all recreation facilities, user fees, and municipal policies. 
Besides those currently on City Council, no other candidates currently sit on a local advisory board.

As chair of the rec adv committee I thank Shawn Shapton and Todd Poetter for their participation over the past 4 years. Terrific participation and input to our group.
The Cowan Fields ball diamond complex is a very significant win-win by the rec advisory committee. I spoke as a delegation on 3 occasions to council to promote this project and still have my power point saved on my computer. (Bill Bes and Paul Plant from previous councils also greatly assisted.)
Cowan Fields ball complex, parks such as Shanna Larsen and David Lowes, the Southside Aquatic Centre renovation and community complex improvements were all important agenda items.
The rec advisory future will most certainly continue to include Cowan Park indoor soccer, Pittock park land acquisition, Southgate Centre expansion, the Downs at Cedar Creek golf course, trail connectivity in Burgess Park and the Civic Centre Arena.

The Relay For Life event held every June for the Canadian Cancer Society at CASS high school has been a personal project for the past 8 years. After volunteering in marketing and publicity areas of the event for a few years, I was Co-chair the past 2 years with Don McKay (Mayor of EZT). We raised over $133,000 for cancer research this year and next year will be the 20th year.

Lions Club of Woodstock. Currently a director on executive. My annual hard working tasks include organizing the special occasion permit for both Cowapolooza and Canada Day which both accumulate significant dollars for our club to be turned into good deeds for the community in what the Lions call ‘charitable response’.

I've enjoyed a career as a Realtor for almost 20 years – dating back to Jan of 1999. Immense knowledge has been gained in areas such as plans of subdivisions, variances, building permits, in-fill construction, right-of-ways and maybe most important is zoning and the official plan.

Woodstock will continue to grow but we need smart growth. The city has recently seen residential intensification in areas where homes did not exist before, including the site of a church on Devonshire, another former place of worship at Athlone and Finkle, and the site of the former Ecole Marguerite Bourgeoys school on Huron Street.
We can’t forget the Dundas St apartment complex at the corner of Clarke Street south.
Additional pieces of land should be redeveloped before and during future subdivision or boundary expansions. I’m referring to the former St Mary’s Church lot on Oxford Street and the prime location at the corner of Lansdowne and Nellis.

My connections to the sports scene of Woodstock truly began in a 7-year span of the mid-1990s as Sports Editor of The Sentinel-Review. I developed an extremely intense work ethic in a profession all about interviews, writing, photography, copy editing, page layout and maintaining local sports standings. No time for writer’s block back then. Today everyone talks about riding a zip line as an adventure. As sports editor of the Sentinel it was in an era of saving head shots and team logos on a zip disc. Remember them?

As a grad of Fanshawe College in radio broadcasting, I worked 5 years in radio full-time ranging from on-air to advertising sales. Remember K-102? I was in the studio in 1986 when Woodstock’s AM station officially switched to FM. 

My hobby has also been Broadcasting – volunteering volunteering and more volunteering in community access shows locally as a reporter, and play-by-play for Navy Vets hockey. My background evolved to include London Majors baseball, the Ontario curling championships, Western Mustangs football, and up until this past spring as host of London Knights hockey. For a dozen years I worked on that program it was a paid role, but certainly required – lots of homework and research.

I want you to know -- as a given -- that the same research I have used in any facet of life will be the same dedication you will receive when I’m on city council. Boy scouts may call it ‘Be Prepared’. I can ensure you that it’s impossible to do live TV without being ultra prepared.
In real estate I have always used the slogan Discussion  Direction Determination Destination

In 2016, I was inducted in the Woodstock Sports Wall of Fame.

Next 4 Years
Here are some topics of point for City Council for the next 4 years.

Financial responsibility. Woodstock has more than 400 employees and through various sources collects well over $100 million per year. That’s quite a financial responsibility.
Terrific bookkeeping function is the city’s 5-year rolling budget to track future needs especially in areas such as road rehabilitation.
In 2018, the residential taxpayers will submit $51,503,150.00 in property taxes. Total collected is about $93 million.  Total revenue from all sources is $115 million. From taxes, 64% goes to the City, 24.5% to the County and 11.5% is raised for education.

Woodstock citizens already pay quite a large dollar amount to the County, but topics such as affordable housing and public health – both County responsibilities – are paramount issues. Should the City be paying even more into affordable housing to top up what is received from Tillsonburg, Ingersoll, the townships and higher tiers of government? Since Woodstock has the subsidized services such as transit, should the townships contribute more because let’s face it Woodstock is the magnet for Oxford’s lower income residents. 

Boundary adjustments as Woodstock must increase its residential needs, especially for the many exceptional local builders. I think it's time the neighbourhoods of Anderson and Canrobert streets etch their way into Southwest Oxford township.

Here's a point for discussion in many directions. I would like to clump together the needed Southgate Centre expansion versus possibilities abounding for recreational uses at the Cowan Park indoor soccer complex and gymnasium. There are now more people in Woodstock over the age of 65 than under 14.

Staying with parks, what does the next 4 years mean for the sliver and the square. The City has acquired 2 significant land pieces from the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. There’s a great plan formulated to re-open access over the dam for a pedestrian trail walking, and for the conservation area's day-use park to be a free municipal park, but how exactly will this look in 5 or 10 years. I want to be part of the exciting process. Woodstock already has a tremendous trail system when you factor in Roth Park to County Road 4, and Burgess Park / Standard Tube lands, which are trails for exercise but also the beauty of nature along the Thames River.

NOW IS THE TIME to elect Mark Schadenberg
Another dept of City Hall which I have always had a close interest to is the economic development office. I love Woodstock and I’m a Realtor and a news (media) person, so I follow with great interest the excellent work of Len Magyar and Brad Hammond. Everyone remembers the hysteria of the spring of 2006 when Toyota made its big announcement and the autumn of 2008 when the RAV4 facility began production.
I have spent a lot of time reading the on-line newsletters and reading the press releases.
The recent Boshuko addition – this year in fact – is double good news as its more employment for Woodstock and the expansion was built by Sierra Construction of Woodstock.

Be sure to vote on Oct 22
Be sure to vote for myself – Mark Schadenberg

The Time Is Now!
This past summer my family and I did a Bucket List trip by standing at the very south point of Canada at Point Pelee.


Sunday, 23 September 2018

Debate time on Monday, Sept 24

All candidates invited to participate, including the 2 running for Mayor

By Mark Schadenberg

It's about 4 weeks before the election in Woodstock, and debate time with an all-candidates evening scheduled for Monday, Sept 24 at 6:30 p.m. at UNIFOR Hall on Beale Street.
As the hours leading up to the event wane, I'm wondering if the difficult part is writing a 3-minute speech or is it compiling enough information and/or opinion on the various questions that could be asked. Each participant will be given 1 minute to answer the questions and the format will rotate giving each person an opportunity to be first and last in the order. 
What are the main topics of discussion -- issues concerning the voters in Woodstock?
Some issues have ties to the County of Oxford, which adds a wrinkle as I'm running for a City Council seat only, but fully realize everything in the County is integral. Oxford topics include the County garbage landfill, the proposed GTA landfill by Walker, water sources, affordable living, county roads and infrastructure such as bridges, along with boundary adjustments.
The talk of taxes is important as municipally collected dollars go to Woodstock, Oxford and an education portion. City treasure Patrice Hilderley was kind enough to pass along these percentages - 64% goes to the City, 24.5% to the County and 11.5% is raised for education.
Wish me luck. I don't believe - by the way -- that it's possible to over prepare.

Vote for Mark Schadenberg on Oct. 22.
Send me your questions on hot topics for voters.
Email: mschadenberg@rogers.com

Monday, 10 September 2018

Everyone in Oxford should follow the efforts of OPAL Alliance

Beachville-area landfill simply must not be permitted

The real possibility of a major Metro Toronto dump arriving in Oxford County continues to be just that -- a real possibility.
I congratulate all involved with OPAL Alliance (Oxford People Against the Landfill). This group has been determined for many years in its battle against Walker Industries (www.walkerind.com). It would seem almost impossible to thank that an outside company could plan on using a different community as a location for a landfill.
There's lots of info to be read at www.opalalliance.ca and be sure to join their Facebook page too. 
I realize this is most certainly not a new topic but as a candidate for City Council in Woodstock I felt it was important to express my thoughts too. I am 100% against the proposed Carmeuse landfill, and I wish that when this quarry is retired the entire parcel of land becomes a nature preserve for fish and plants, other animals and for Oxford residents to enjoy.
It's amazing to see that when you put your name forward for a public office that groups ask for your opinion. I was contacted by OPAL for my thoughts and sent them a submission. Everything that is an important issue in Oxford is also an important issue to everyone residing in Woodstock. This adage is also true for good news because great employment / economic news for one community will create a positive effect in every corner of Oxford. 
On Oct. 22, vote Mark Schadenberg.
The Time Is Now!

Sunday, 9 September 2018

I want your front lawn

I'm also asking for financial donations
Can I place a 'Mark Schadenberg for City Council' sign on your lawn?
Elections cost money, so I seek financial contributions if you are able. I certainly have a budget for flyers, newspapers ads and signs, but my bank book is not an unlimited source for me.
Most of all -- Vote for me on Oct. 22!

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Today I'm celebrating 52 years

The Time Is Now
The ‘Now’ could today refer to the fact it’s my 52nd birthday on Aug. 14.
'The Time Is Now' is also my slogan for the election campaign.
Therefore, I present the 52 reasons to vote for me for Woodstock City Council on Oct 22.

1. Born in Woodstock at former Woodstock General Hospital.
2. Graduated from the former St. Mary’s elementary on Oxford Street (Today is Holy Family French immersion)
3. Graduated with Grade 13 diploma from Woodstock Collegiate in 1985.
4. Best decision ever was to marry Nicole -- a Woodstock resident.

Recreation Advisory Committee (WRAC)
5. Member of this volunteer committee since 1998 and chair for the past 5 years.
6. Member of very sub-committee which was the selection committee for the Woodstock Sports Wall of Fame. This includes countless hours confirming facts on microfilm at the library. (Ask my daughter about the time she spent most of a PD Day with me at the historical society office on Light Street).
7. I was inducted in sports wall in 2016, as WRAC and City Hall proceeded with a surprise induction process.
8. Member of organizing group for annual Rec & Leisure Fair held the first Sunday in March.
9. I truly believe our group saved Lions Pool a few years ago by presenting to council our findings after extensive winter tour of facility.
10. Was moderator for City special public meeting on finalizing / debating a possible location for skateboard park.
11. Was twice a delegation at city council to promote Cowan Fields ball park project, including study WRAC completed with the users groups – leagues and minor ball included.
12. City council delegation twice to announce naming rights for 2 municipal parks – David Lowes and Shanna Larsen memorials.
13. Have attended numerous public meetings ranging from trails to Cedar Creek in Southside Park to Pittock Lake land acquisition to building an all-inclusive playground in Southside Park to the feasibility study looking at the public library.

14. Member of ‘Dairy Capital Sno-No Fest’ committee in early 1990’s.
15. Assisted organizing annual Oxford Lung Association fundraising golf tourney at Craigowan.
16. Member of original United Way (High School) Stair Climb committee.
17. Co-chair (With Dave Nadalin) of Farewell Reunion party to officially close the Perry Street Arena in 1996.
18. Chair for Woodstock Sports Celebrity Dinner for its last 2 years. The event over 25 years raised a lot of money for WDDS and before that local Senior A hockey.
19. Co-chair (With Don McKay) the past 2 years of Relay For Life for the Canadian Cancer Society. I have been on steering committee for 7 years.
20. Was draw scrutineer for major raffle lottery conducted by community complex fundraiser back in 1994.
21. When still in high school I coached my youngest brother in house league minor ball (WMBA)
22. For Woodstock Navy Vets junior Inter County baseball team was general manager, first base coach, public address announcer and also represented WMBA on league board. I also pitched batting practice, (and hated when the umpire forced me to wear a mask to catch for a pitcher warming up as there are no foul tips when there is no batter).
23. When still in high school was an assistant coach in WMHA house league hockey.
24. In early 1990’s represented WMHA on Hub League executive and was also scheduling convener.
25. Coached my son in house league minor soccer.
26. For Jake Muzzin Stanley Cup parade day in Woodstock I brought the Max Kaminsky Trophy to Woodstock from Toronto.  Muzzin had been named OHL’s top defenceman in 2010.
27. Contributed personal local sports memorabilia to Woodstock Museum and assisted in gathering additional display material including bring world Special Olympics record holder Russell Gerber to museum to lend his championship medals for an exhibit.

28. Realtor for 19 years – all with Royal LePage, which makes me the current longest-standing Royal LePage rep in Woodstock.
29. Past member of WIDREB real estate board political action committee (PAC), which ironically has been part organizer and sponsor for municipal election debates in the past.
30. Lots of knowledge gained in areas which will assist on City Council such as building codes, in-fill construction, severances, plans of subdivision, zonings, site plan approvals, easements, boundary adjustments, and . . .
31. Never under-estimate the skills attained as a negotiator.
32. Understanding provincial guidelines on topics such as residential intensification, the environment and protecting agricultural areas.
33. Know the importance of promoting Woodstock and Oxford County along with the best choice of a home for a buyer.
34. Have worked part-time with 4 different local companies in public relations / promotions / writing content.
35. Sports editor of The Sentinel-Review from 1993-98. As a salary employee, I worked many more hours per week than the required 40 as I was a part-time reporter, copy editor, photographer, page layout designer, headline writer, local league standings coordinator, switchboard operator, and often all those tasks in the same day.
36. Almost single-handed created the final 8-page insert about the history of the Perry Street Arena.
37. Wrote many local history stories with noteworthy items on Klondike Joe Boyle, Henry VanSittart, Francis Hincks, and Lord Simcoe’s Governors Road.
38. Advertising sales rep with K-102 FM radio in early 1990’s. (Today is Country 104)
39. Was on-air voice for the FINAL shift at former CKDK 1340 AM as I did the all-night show before the official introduction of K-102 at 7 a.m. (There was frequency testing for about one month before the official switch)
40. Volunteered as weekend all-night announcer at CKDK AM in high school in mid 1980’s.

Rogers Television
41. Volunteer reporter for many many on-air features for shows such as Oxford County Living, including focus on Cowan Fields ball diamonds construction.
42. Volunteer host of city election results show in 2014.
43. Volunteer reporter for city election results broadcast on combined Rogers and Heart FM in 2010.
44. Hosted in 1994, a documentary on the building of the community complex twin-pad facility, which included interviews with user groups, city engineering, and the actual builders as well.
45. Play-by-play for Ontario curling championships when held in Woodstock. Would later do similar roles for provincials in Owen Sound, Whitby, Mississauga and Guelph, plus World Curling Tour in Strathroy.
46. Play-by-play for Woodstock Navy Vets playoff hockey when Woodstock fire department was enforcing fire code capacity for Perry Street Arena. (By the way, with a run for city council I am not involved with London Knights broadcasts this season).
47. Play-by-play for men’s fastball Legends tournament held at community complex.

Lions Club of Woodstock
48. Current executive position is Director.
49. Responsible for special occasion permit for both Canada Day and Cowapolooza for past 8 years.
50. Assist with Terry Fox Run.
51. On numerous occasions have worked with our group setting up for both local parades – Santa (BIA event) and Victoria Day (City event). This includes putting numbers around (a muddy) track at fairgrounds to coordinate the floats.
52. Volunteer every year in food tent at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show.

I ask for your vote on Oct 22.
Your best choice for City Council is: Mark Schadenberg

The Time Is Now