Saturday, 27 November 2021

Looking ahead to 2022 for Friendly City finances

Woodstock draft budget for capital projects discussed

This past Tuesday, Nov. 23, Woodstock City Council looked at the preliminary CAPITAL budget for 2022. It's all online for your line-by-line reading enjoyment, but make sure you have your reading glasses handy.

The department-by-departing operating budgets will be analyzed and approved early in the new year. It's too early to calculate a percentage of tax increases (if any) as the county is still comprehending its possible 2022 numbers.

Woodstock uses a 5-year rolling budget for CAPITAL projects, so be sure to look at the projected timelines for items such as the expansion of SouthGate Centre (2023, but with architecture work planned for 2022), Southside Aquatic Centre, or the likelihood of building a new arena to replace Civic Centre with construction to start in 2024.

I'm just one person on council, so all recipe items are most certainly subject to change, especially considering the municipal elections take place in October of 2022.

Since folks are often concerned over street projects and the sightings of bulldozers next year, I have copied the list here, but keep in mind this is not an approved budget. Also missing from the Woodstock list is the county replacing sewers, sidewalks, pavement on Huron Street from Ingersoll Ave (where they started this year) to Adelaide Street. Anyone who uses Huron as an artery road certainly realizes that this massive project was not going to be completed in 2021.
I think another key item is upgrading the water services to the day-use park at Pittock Lake north shore park for community events like Weinerfest Dog days and Dragon Boat races as the City will soon build new bathroom facilities (etc) at the site.
City Council will likely approve the CAPITAL budget at our Dec. 9 meeting.

Additional horizon items for 2022 are projected to include:
- More servicing for industrial lands on Pattullo.
- Two new buses for transit
- Replacing a snow plow / dump truck.
- New roof on Market Centre theatre building
- New pavilion and storage building at Cowan sportsfields.
- New junior playground equipment at Cowan Fields park
- Replacing the backstop at Tip O'Neill baseball diamond.
- On-going tree planting in new subdivisions.
- On-going trail additions including viewing boardwalk at Brick Pond.


Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Downtown Woodstock BIA begins its Christmas festivities

Lights, carols, carriage rides and a parade

Lighting up the trees and the large ornamental displays in Museum Square takes place on Friday, Nov. 19.

The Woodstock Museum National Historic Site is the backdrop for the festivities planned by Downtown Woodstock (BIA;

After Friday, many related activities include shopping promotions, horse-drawn sleigh rides and seasonal carols.

The City's annual Santa Claus Parade is at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 12. Brad Janssen -- Woodstock's event coordinator -- has lined up many attractions led by the Burlington Teen Tour Band.

Heart FM Story:

BIA manager Virginia Armstrong and her committee of merchants and volunteers is ready to their Christmas spirit.

When you're shopping in Downtown Woodstock, there's many reasons to stop into the Museum, including a very educational on-going exhibit and a display of quilts.   

The Museum is also hosting a Christmas Escape Room where participants need to follow the clues to locate Santa. The cost is $20 per person.

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This blog and site is presented By: Mark Schadenberg, City Councillor


(519) 532-206

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Online auction hosted by historic Old St Paul's Church

Woodstock Anglican congregation has a noteworthy past and important current projects  

Woodstock's history includes many renowned community builders -- two are Henry Vansittart and Andrew Drew.

Both were retired British navy personnel so they were known also by their titles Admiral Vansittart and Captain Drew. Together, they were significant as Vansittart named the community after Woodstock in Oxfordshire, England. 

Drew arrived in Woodstock first (1832) and established what is now called Old St. Paul's Church near the corner of Dundas and Huron streets (723 Dundas;; 519 537-3912). The local historic site and on-going place of worship was built in 1834. Rev William Bettridge would be the Anglican congregation's first pastor. If you study local history for personal research you will discover that these three were friends, but in parallel had their differences. (You should onw copies of both Bits & Pieces and The Village Which Straddles A Swamp)

The Drew house, by the way, like the church, still exists and can be found at the corner of Rathbourne and Sydenham streets.

Today -- as time evolves -- Old St. Paul's is home to a congregation (Service every Sunday at 11 a.m. starring Rev. Rob Luxton) in a very ornate church (Inside photos can easily be found online or simply visit) . . . an Ontario Heritage Trust conservation site since 1986.


The church is also the night-time home since 2004 to the homeless year-round through The Inn (formerly Inn Out Of The Cold), which is open daily from 7:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. and offers two meals, warmth, beds, and bathrooms. The Inn receives its support from the church, Operation Sharing, and the County Of Oxford's human services department.

As a member of Woodstock City Council it's important to add that the County also receives funding from upper tiers of government and thru the levy paid to the County from the City certainly receives significant financial backing from Woodstock (and all citizens through municipal taxes).

The Inn -- in can be noted -- is always willing to accept donations (canned or frozen dinners / food), daily hygiene items, and clothes.

Currently, the folks at Old St. Paul's Church are in the midst of planning for the future which includes restoration and renovations.

It can be mentioned that scaffolding currently at both the Market Theatre and library in Woodstock have the same purpose -- as the municipality is re-pointing bricks and improving the exterior of both local landmarks.



At Old St. Paul's their fundraiser includes a Christmas online auction which features a gamut of possible Christmas gifts  to go under your festive tree. See: Old St. Paul's Anglican Church on Facebook or their website for many more details. One item which would never fit under a yuletide evergreen is a hot air balloon ride. 

Earlier today (Nov. 2), the Heart FM morning team of Dan Henry and Marcie Culbert interviewed a fundraising committee member.  Additional bid possibilities include a hand-made quilt or afghan, artwork, Precious Moments figurines, collectible plates, crystal dishes and wine glasses, a pasta making machine, restaurant and retail gift certificates, and lots more.  I'm guessing the Woodstock Meadows golf hat and ladies shirt will be popular items as they soon will be collectors' items. Also available is a fruit cake, which as we know is an item that can be re-gifted year after year.

Complied by: Mark Schadenberg


(519) 532-2068

Promoting Woodstock in a positive way !

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Oxford's Got Talent and an online auction too

Promoting a big event for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford

For a young person to reach their potential they hopefully have many positive influences in their life.

For many an organization like Big Brothers Big Sisters of Oxford (BBBS) can be an integral part of this guidance process.

The local association ( has many exceptional mentoring programs.

One of the BBBS major fundraisers is occurring right now and since it also includes featuring local youth with talent it assists in their growth as well. The Big Night In -- Oxford's Got Talent is Oct. 23 at 7 p.m. and features Woodstock celebrity Greg Morton ( as host along with judges including Dan Henry of Heart FM (104.7) and Mike Crabbe. Last year's winner Anna Belleth is scheduled to appear, but I'm guessing she is not a contestant.

Morton, who was already a well-known Woodstock entertainer through comedy and impressions, became a household name in North America when he was runner-up in the TV show America's Got Talent.

Read the website and maybe join a growing list of corporate sponsors,. If you look at the event page on Facebook you will see a list of many local companies who know an important agency when they see one.

BBBS executive director Kristen Ralph has worked for the association for several years and has a strong team of community-minded employees and members of the board. Quite simply, it's a great group of people doing important work in Oxford County.

Auction Info:

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A positive look at the Woodstock area, by:
Mark Schadenberg, Woodstock city councillor
(519) 532-2068

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Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Museum features an escape room, superb exhibits and historical memorabilia

Woodstock Museum is again selling vintage Christmas Cards & promoting practical artwork of yesteryear 

The City of Woodstock is unique because the first full-size Downtown post office still exists and it's City Hall located at 500 Dundas St. Also, the original City Hall is the Woodstock National Historic Site Museum at 466 Dundas.

The museum continues to offer excellent programming and exhibits, research possibilities on its online data base, family events, and intriguing extras such as the entertaining 'escape rooms'.

Curator Karen Houston and her crew need to be applauded for creating many in-house exhibits in recent years such as a tribute to local sports, local industry and a re-vamped permanent exhibit depicting Woodstock's history.

Check out some of the pictures added here and a link to the website for more information. Best of all, the admission to this wonderful museum is a donation.


Woodstock Museum

Video from Facebook Page:
Postings by:
Mark Schadenberg, Woodstock City Council
(519) 532-2068
Presenting a positive look on local events and organizations. 

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Thursday, 14 October 2021

Havelock Corners, Meadows golf & Woodstock subdivision growth

As the City of Woodstock welcomes new commercial and industrial ventures – large and small – our growing community in southwest Ontario is also expanding on the residential scale to create neighbourhoods for families who want to live within a close proximity to their employer.

Havelock Corners on the north shore of Pittock Lake (Thames River) and therefore also on the north side of the municipality gained approval for an addition in excess of 600 residential units from city council. The total area for these phases of construction comprises more than 85 acres. Submitted by Kingsmen Group Inc. ( was for 319 single detached homes, 162 townhouses, and an apartment building projected to include 164 units.

This current subdivision is an extension of the previous residential growth by Kingsmen Group south of the 17th Line (Tollgate Road), which includes Shanna Larsen Park, plus many detached homes and row townhouses.

At the time this subdivision expansion became final, the comprehensive report penned by Oxford County senior planner Andrea Hachler also described three other important facets of this Phase Five of the Thames Developments neighbourhood as there will be land set aside for a place of worship along with an additional eight acres for an elementary (Thames Valley District public school board has NOT approved any timetables) school. With protection of an adjoining forest also included, additional offerings include connectivity to nature trails as this parcel of land runs geographically parallel to the Pittock Conservation Area (Upper Thames River Conservation Authority; and a long-time established railway line. In local parks department discussion this new trail or green space is referred to as ‘the sliver.’

Havelock Corners evolved within the City boundary adjustments from East-Zorra Tavistock back in 2006 for residential purposes. It was in 2009 that the North Woodstock Secondary Plan gained approval from city council.

Economic Development 

There are many advantages of locating your business here. Call development commissioner Len Magyar or development officer Brad Hammond at the City Hall economic development office at (519) 539-2382. You can also continue your research through as many available building lots are featured, demographic data is detailed, a description of the many commercial parks (Bysham, Commerce Way, Pattullo Ridge, etc), along with a promotional video.

Posted here are maps of residential projects currently underway or happening soon on the horizon.

Woodstock Meadows

For example, the Woodstock Meadows Golf Course has already announced that its last official day of operation in  Oct. 24 as that acreage will soon be converted into a subdivision with its roads connecting to the Havelock maps. The Vink family previously ran a 9-hole course in Innerkip which expanded to 18 as Innerkip Highlands, then operated the original 18-hole Woodstock Meadows on the grounds that is now Toyota, and then followed by the current Woodstock Meadows on Oxford Road 17. 

Another subdivision of note is advancing on the west side of the city (off County Rd 11) and is known as the Hartley Farm. It is interesting to see that the theme of street names is all about tree species. These streets will eventually have a connector road to the Sally Creek adults-only neighbourhood. Maps of Sally Creek are also included here.

Some of these maps are from the Glimr interactive feature on It's a neat tool as you can view maps, but also satellite images.