He’s making a list and checking it twice, and for the second year in a row the CP (Canadian Pacific railway) (Santa Claus) Holiday Train will be making a stop in Woodstock – Monday, Dec. 1 at 6:30 pm at the Canadian Pacific station yard at the corner of Winniett Street and Ingersoll Avenue, which is essentially behind Holy Family French Immersion School.
Get there early !
When you attend with your family, be prepared to bring non-perishable food items or a monetary donation for The Salvation Army of Woodstock. All local donations on this Santa trek stay local. The Salvation Army also suggests bringing daily-use items such as toothpaste.
I took my children to the seasonal show last December. I call it a Christmas show as one of the train cars will open up and a stage with a band will appear to sing Christmas carols. I have included a link to the story published in The Sentinel-Review as the local police will be closing three intersections that day around 5 p.m. for safety. Last year, there was a very large crowd, so plan on arriving early to be standing along the caution tape (front row) line.
From The Sentinel-Review:
The purpose of the holiday train is to raise money for local food banks and last year CP Rail made a donation of $4,500 to the Woodstock Salvation Army.
That money is used to help local families with Christmas hampers, buying gifts for the angel tree, stocking shelves at the food bank throughout the year and other programs.
Vanessa Giuliano, director of community and family services with the Salvation Army in Woodstock, said she always looks forward to the holiday train’s arrival.
In 2013 they collected 3,800 pounds of food and a further $600 donation from local residents.
A CP spokesperson notes that since 1999, the Holiday Train program has raised close to $9.5 million and 3.3-million pounds of food for local food banks along the route.
Immediately after its stop in Woodstock, the train departs for a London stop at the tracks on Richmond Street.
LINK: http://www.woodstocksentinelreview.com/2014/11/26/safety-first-as-holiday-train-chugs-into-town
Mark Schadenberg
Sales Representative
Royal LePage Triland Realty
Email: mschadenberg@rogers.com
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