Thursday 10 October 2024

WOW -- What's On Woodstock

Art gallery and museum exhibits, autumn leaf pick up, public skating schedules . . . 


The October issue of the What's On Woodstock magazine should be in your super mailbox and it's another super edition.

The cover story is about efforts by the City's works department to prepare for winter, including a (weather permitted) schedule for road-side leaf pick up, updates on happenings at the works yard on James Street, and tips on composting and mulching.

Between the Reeves Community Complex and Civic Centre Arena these busy venues have set schedules for FREE public skating, but sometimes there are exceptions to the rule, so consult the listing before grabbing your Bauer blades. Also, there are times specifically for adults (over 18), but there is also family shinny time. Check out the schedule to note the local sponsors paying for the ice time. 

Current exhibits at the art gallery (WAG) and Woodstock Museum are described in WOW. The gallery has a show depicting Woodstock artist Betty McArthur known for being exceptional at sketching. She actually published a book many years ago of notable local homes and landmarks. Another famed (late) Woodstock artist with a display is Florence Carlyle.  Furthermore, a fibre art exhibit called Delights debuted today. 

The museum is often a temporary home of a travelling exhibit, including the current The Suitcase Project. I've included a portion of the City's press release to explain the collection and its historical significance to British Columbia.

The haunted house escape room at the museum is a challenge for you and your family or friends.

WOW is also your destination in October for profiles on the Woodstock Fire Department, community volunteerism, options for all ages at the Woodstock Public Library, a modification to Woodstock Transit routes, and the always-informative COW Tales trivia feature.

What's happening at Theatre Woodstock, with the Wolverines youth football program, Sea Cadets / Navy League, the Elite Dance Centre, plus so much more. For example, do you know what the library's Local Author Fair in November is all about?

There are 23,500 copies of WOW distributed around Woodstock to residences and businesses, so it's jammed with details and is a go-to resource. The magazine is published at least 8 editions throughout the year with the November - December issue covering 2 months. If you read that introduction page (Page 3), you will see the name of the local layout and creative company which truly is called the Flying Squirrel -- Andrew Norris. For more information on contributing copy, you should contact Colleen Collins from the City's marketing group at (519) 539-2382.

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Wednesday 9 October 2024

Woodstock Hospital releases September newsletter

Share Your Voice, Shape Your Care


It was Nov. 10, 2011 when patients moved from the Riddell Street site of the Woodstock hospital to the new location on Juliana Drive.  The new campus is just a dozen years old, but many upgrades have already occurred under the watchful eyes of CAO and president Perry Lang.

Fundraising lotteries have been integral. The system of monthly 50/50 draws have raised dollars for updating equipment such as mammography machines, a brand new CT scanner, a mobile fluoroscopy camera, and many more items. 

Currently, a $3 million fundraising project is underway to enhance services in cancer care, including chemotherapy and IV Infusion clinic.

The hospital also raises money through its annual Dairy Capital Run and a golf tournament, but pledges from industry and families are certainly welcome. 

Share Your Voice, Shape Your Care:  Patients, volunteers, staff and citizens in general are all invited to participate in a strategic planning process as the future and / or horizon must always be prepared for and in this case its writing a 3-year plan:

As a member of Woodstock City Council, I know the importance of the local hospital even though I'm not on the board of directors. From surgeons, department doctors, emergency room staff, a crew of dedicated nurses, the organizing of out-patient care, food services and all other employees, the hospital is certainly proud of its team.

I would write more, but this truly is an invite to read the latest newsletter -- released for fall -- with many updates and special announcements.

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Mark Schadenberg

Woodstock City Council


(519) 532-2068

Saturday 28 September 2024

13 stories about 13-storey building

Tiffany Developments have land-breaking plan for Alberta & Juliana

A Woodstock developer has received zoning approval to go where no construction project has ever went in Woodstock -- a 13-storey apartment building.

You could say there are 13 stories attached to this project, but I can add no timeline has been finalized for bulldozers and concrete trucks.

1. The 13 floors represent and increase of 1 floor over the previous application, but it can be added that the 13th floor will be an activity space for birthday parties, potluck dinners, and even pickleball. As comparison, down the 401 in London they have recently approved 45-storey buildings in the downtown core.

2. The developer is Walter Broos, who has been quite busy in the south end of Woodstock for many years, including the Mary Brown's / Starbucks plaza near the 401 and Norwich Avenue. Ayr, Drumbo, Hanover and Goderich are also Tiffany residential sites. 

3. Originally -- in 2022 -- a 12-storey structure had been approved for high density zoning.

4. The new building will be located immediately behind the Cedarview retirement home, across Juliana from Maranatha Church, and across Alberta Avenue from vacant lands owned by the TVDSB.

5. Modern building and fire codes require fire suppression capabilities on every floor.

6. There will be up to 213 units.

7. There will be a total of 1.4 parking spots per unit.  All these numbers include accessible parking in the drawings. 

8. Parking will be both 2 levels in the building and on-surface (outdoor) parking

9. The developer was required to conduct studies pertaining to traffic, storm water management, utility servicing, and shadow analysis. The developer will be responsible for landscaping and a street sidewalk.

10. The apartment rental building will obviously include close proximity to the Woodstock Hospital, Reeves Community Complex, and St. Mary's High School.

11. The total land is 1.95 acres (0.79 hectares). Zoning allows for 109 units per acre.

12. Next month, the new Provincial Planning Statement will take effect -- as law from Queen's Park. The PPS stresses the utilization of all vacant lands with residential purposes as part of Ontario's Bill 23 - More Homes Built Faster Act. Woodstock's housing pledge is 5,500 new units by 2031.  

13. The expected address will be 335 Juliana.


Topic / Idea: Bird Friendly City

Should Woodstock pursue the concept / title ?

Did you know that municipalities like London, Barrie, Windsor and even Toronto have done their homework and are now qualified to call themselves a Bird Friendly Community. It's an evaluation and process created by the sanctioning group Nature Canada (Formerly called Canadian Audubon Society).
This past week, a Zoom meeting was established by the Woodstock Environmental Advisory Committee - WEAC with Autumn Jordan of Nature Canada as moderator.
It's early days -- no eggs have hatched yet -- but the meeting included several WEAC members, a Woodstock Field Naturalists Club member, an avid local nature photographer, Harold DeHaan who is the City's engineering department manager, and (2) City Councillors in Kate Leatherbarrow and myself.
The checklist is not insurmountable and Nature Canada has three different levels to attain or advance to.

Speaker Autumn Jordan knows the stats for bird populations of all breeds, and showed the committee some charts through a power point, including an increase in water fowl numbers in recent years, but a significant reduction in other birds ranging from aerial insectivores to grassland birds and everything else gliding on the horizons and perching on your backyard feeders. Cities require more trees, and an interesting point made by Jordan -- fewer feral cats.

To gain the moniker Bird Friendly City, the criteria range from bird safety and bird watching groups, but also to organize events to recognize the importance of birds, promoting pollinator gardens, and policies to protect urban birds.
Woodstock declared a proclamation last year during National Bird Migratory Day. Local bird watchers conduct species counts around Christmas annually.
After reaching the accreditation, Nature Canada will re-assess each community every 2 years. This WEAC sub-committee plans to continue its promotion of the idea.
Your thoughts?

Blog writing for a member of City Council can be 
quite difficult as I believe it's more important 
to inform citizens about topics, events, local history, 
bylaws changes and building proposals, then to offer
my opinion on these items. However, a suggestion
would set a bad / incorrect precedent, I will explain 
both sides of the argument and gently suggest why I think 
which direction is the preferable way to go.

Mark Schadenberg
Woodstock City Council
(519) 539-2068
First elected in October of 2018

Instagram: Councillormarkschadenberg
Facebook: Mark Schadenberg

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Update On My Great Children

Maeghan is now in first year at Laurentian University in Sudbury. It's about a 7-hour drive, but with 'face time' on the computer, it seems like she somewhat close to home. I'm very proud of this 18-year-old. Maeghan's bursaries included recognition from the City Of Woodstock and Lions Club of Woodstock.

My son Spencer is 15 and in Grade 10 at Notre Dame high school in Woodstock -- as he continues beyond Ecole Ste. Marguerite Bourgeoys. The school is French all day -- a good challenge and like Maeghan will result in being a fully bilingual graduate and thereby completely Francophone.


On Sept. 27, 2024, Nicole and I celebrated our 21st Anniversary

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Remembrance Day at Woodstock Cenotaph

November / December issue of What's On Woodstock magazine includes Nov. 11 agenda

By Mark Schadenberg

Both of my parents were children during the Second World War and both immigrated to Canada after that conflict ended.

I don’t often talk about it, but my Dad was an orphan after the war so he decided to start his adult life in southern Ontario – moving from Germany. My Mom grew up in The Netherlands, but has lived here for more than 60 years.

It’s thoughts about World War II, including watching movies such as Saving Private Ryan, that instill in me the feelings of heroes – both wartime survivors and those dying for their country.

Above picture from Legion Branch 55's Facebook page

Attending the Remembrance Day Ceremony annually at the Cenotaph in Victoria Park in Woodstock is just one way to recall the days of yesteryear – to see a parade of wreaths, listen to the benedictions and poems, admire those gathering wearing a poppy as more than just a symbol, standing quietly as the Harvards fly over, listening to the bugle, and looking at the names etched on the memorial to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Oxford County had many war heroes – young adults who lost the opportunity to raise a family and grow old.

As organized by the City Of Woodstock special events department and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 55 and Oxford County Naval Veterans Association, the Remembrance Day ceremony begins on Nov. 11 at 10:30 a.m. with a solemn wreaths laying and a Colour Party parade. Following the national anthem just before 11 a.m., the event’s official itinerary begins with a moment of silence.

The What’s On Woodstock magazine (November edition) feature on this annual service, notes the presence of veteran Al Badger at the ceremony and the fact the amazing Mr. Badger celebrated his 100th birthday on Oct. 4.

Be sure to attend the Remembrance Day ceremony of 2022 at the corner of Buller and Graham streets to remember our heroes, including Oxford County’s Tyler Todd who was killed in Afghanistan on April 11, 2010 at the age of 26. Todd, who was killed by a land mine, was a member of the Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry unit, grew up in Bright and graduated from Woodstock’s Huron Park Secondary School.

This year in Victoria Park, I will be keeping personal extra thought for another Woodstock story -- also a veteran of Afghanistan (Serving there in 2009) -- who died in March of 2022 at the age of 36. (Yes, in this current calendar year.) He courageously served our country in the Canadian Armed Forces for a dozen years, had trained earlier at Canadian Forces School of Military Engineering in Gagetown, N.B., had earned the ranking of Master Corporal, and was a father of 3 children. RIP Andrew. 

If you are unable to attend, watch the blessings, the reciting of ‘In Flanders Fields’, and the parade of veterans and dignitaries – to be broadcast on Rogers TV.

Additional items in the What’s On Woodstock magazine November edition include:

Who is Kerry Jarvi and what is her role in Downtown Woodstock?

Quick look at details on the Santa Claus Parade on Dec. 4 and the CP Holiday Train on Nov. 30.

Lighting of Musuem Square for Christmas is set for Nov. 18.

Information on a special promotion for a 2-month South Gate Centre membership.

Safety tips for your household Christmas tree and for carbon monoxide.

Local history looks back at a fire on Christmas Day in 1942.

Dates and times for free public skating in November and December.

What is the High Five program in children’s recreation and leisure

Winter programs at the Woodstock library, art gallery and museum.

A synopsis of Woodstock Transit schedules and the para-transit program.



Monday 31 October 2022

TVDSB to build in Havelock Corners

A new Woodstock school !

Finally, a new Woodstock school !

The Thames Valley District School Board ( issued a press release in December of 2021 announcing some basic parameters for a brand new JK - 8 public school in Woodstock. The brand new construction would be designed for 660 students with a small component for an in-house daycare (Pre-school).

The school would be appearing in the Havelock Corners subdivision. The TVDSB has been placing many children on a bus to Hickson Public School for many years and after conducting a thorough accommodation review of existing schools in the Friendly City, the board is finally prepared to move forward. 

In the world of waiting for bread crumbs, the even bigger announcement had to wait until last week (Oct. 27) when the school board hosted a virtual public meeting to reveal the exact location (It truly was not a secret when you look at the subdivision maps) and architects 'basic concept drawings' as prepared by JP Thomson Architects based in Windsor.  

The land parcel is about 8 acres and the final construction costs will be in the range of $17.5 million.

As we realize, Woodstock is growing quickly and by the time this school opens its doors, we could have a population above 50,000.  Dividing 660 by 10 grades results in a quick math of 66 students per grade or 3 classrooms for each age. I would hope that the land set aside in the Havelock Corners subdivision (see map) will be large enough as the city moves eastward through the former Woodstock Meadows golf course and then farther east to County Road 4.

The Design Stage for the yet-to-be-named school was approved through a process committee. I would expect an exact ingredient list will be modified before backhoes arrive as technology, a gymnasium, library, accessibility concerns, and other amenities will be analyzed and shuffled, rectified, re-drawn and re-considered before the blueprints are finalized.

In London, meanwhile, the TVDSB has witnessed a controversy at 5-year-old school Sir Arthur Currie in the northwest of the Forest City as it was built for 530 pupils but as the area grew quickly enrollment is now 950, so the newish elementary learning building on Buroak Drive has a dozen portables already.

As the weeks transpire and new press releases reveal more details, I'm hoping there will be a name-the-school contest open to everyone in Woodstock to participate in. Do you have any ideas? I certainly do, but I will keep my wish name quiet for now. 

TVDSB Original Announcement For Woodstock

Posted: Tuesday, December 7, 2021

New school in Woodstock announced

The Ministry of Education has announced funding for a new elementary school and child care centre in north Woodstock. 

“This is great news for students, families and community members in Oxford County,” said Thames Valley Education Director Mark Fisher. “This is a major milestone for the community, and we are very excited to support Woodstock with a much-needed elementary school and licensed child care facility.”

The $17.5-million project includes a new school for 660 pupils, and a five-room child care centre for 88 infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers.

“The recent Attendance Area Review that was approved by Trustees helped to balance enrolment at existing schools in Woodstock, paving the way for approval of this new school,” said TVDSB Board Chair Lori-Ann Pizzolato, who praised Oxford Trustees Barb Yeoman and Graham Hart for their leadership and community engagement during the review. 

“We are so pleased with Ministry of Education’s support for our students and their families,” added Chair Pizzolato.

The project is part of a provincewide investment of more than $600 million to support new school and child care spaces that were recently announced by Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education. 

“In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made safer schools a priority, which is why we continue to invest in modern and accessible learning spaces with improved ventilation,” said Minister Lecce. “This investment is part of our multi-year plan to build, expand, and update schools and child care spaces across our province. It will leave a lasting legacy that benefits working families for years to come.”

“The new north Woodstock elementary school is great news for our community,” said Ernie Hardeman, MPP for Oxford. “This investment will provide choice and flexibility for families and new opportunities for the children of north Woodstock.”  


Note: The pictures here were originally posted on Facebook last week by 

Susannah Wopereis of Woodstock by snipping shots from the virtual meeting.  

Woodstock Meadows subdivision as proposed

Thanks again for re-electing Mark Schadenberg
to Woodstock City Council
Contact me at (519) 532-2068 or 537-1553